OïdaAl taller d'anglès us recomanam començar, si es que encara no teniu costum, a veure les sèries i pel·lícules en anglès subtitulat.

Vos ajudarà en les vostres habilitats comunicatives a l'hora de relacionar-vos, aprendreu vocabulari i gramàtica, i us permetrà rompre barreres a l' hora d'intentar expressar-vos.

TorrijasÀlex ens proposa cuinar per aprendre vocabulari.
En suggereix, en anglès, we will cook "TORRIJAS", tipical Spanish.

- BREAD, it has to be stale. Important! From say before.

AcertijoToday is Tuesday so I have little game for you. It's about books or writers because it will be very soon Sant Jordi's day, book's day. So I have some questions for you. Do you want to play?

Escriptors i escriptores en llengua anglesa. Ens explica que ens donarà pistes sobre un llibre seu i hem d'esbrinar de qui és tracta.

Houseparty appThree weeks after the confinement, Alex thinks that it's a good moment to remember what we did in our English workshops in Instagram: We speak in English and we practice listening, vocabulary, activities. And, of course, we play, we have fun.

Alex recommended us some quarantine movies: World War Z, Zombieland, Juan de los muertos, Planet terror, Shaun of the dead (zombies party). He recommended us Houseparty app.