AnglèsDe nou, Àlex al capdavant del TALLER VIRTUAL D'ANGLÈS d'ahir dimarts 31 de març, en directe en les stories d'Instagram.

Ens va proposar una sèrie de jocs per endevinar. Així, en llengua anglesa ens anima a jugar: "Let's play: I tell you a story and you have to find the solution."

🔎There is a man who always takes the lift to go to the work because he lives in the 10h floor, but he comes back he takes the lift until 7th floor and go upstairs walking. The three floors left to his home.

🔎There are five man together walking in the country going to the same place. Suddenly, it starts to rain. Four of the five man start to run so they don't get wet. The other man stays, he don't move. He is dry.
What just happened?

Voleu saber per què? Voleu conéixer més reptes mentals que ens proposa Àlex? Passeu-vos per stories @vilajove en Instagram.