· 971 302 723

Tur CostaPlease remember that the MACE will be open on August regular hours during which you can visit the current exhibitions: "Utopia is possible. ICSID. 1971" (Until August 31) and "Tur Costa. Dibuixos (Dècades 60-70)" (until 31 October).

In addition, we continue to offer educational activities as part of its educational program, family workshops including weekends, upon registration by calling 971302723 or by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), and the thematical guided tours "Ibiza from art" aimed at adults and young people over 12 years. In these we have a tour through the history of Ibiza between 30 and 70 through the collection. These visits will be every Saturday of August at 11 am in Spanish and Friday at 11 am in English.

Sara NechamkinThe border between the fine and applied arts is not always clear, and Britain in the middle years of the twentieth century provides a perfect example of what can often be a rewarding cross-fertilization. Sarah Nechamkin is a rare survivor of an entire generation of talented British artist-illustrators/designers who moved with ease between painting, illustration, graphic art, design and advertising, fusing craftsmanship and artistry in their differing techniques and media.

The leading figures– Sutherland, Ravilious, Bawden, Piper, Enid Marx – are often referred to as ‘neo-Romantics’ or ‘Romantic Moderns’, and if Nechamkin was fourteen years their junior, she can still be regarded as an emblematic if ‘younger’ member of this distinguished artistic movement. To complement her Ibizan landscapes and birds, the Museu Puget is pleased to show a small sample of her graphic oeuvre in publications that range across an astonishing seven decades.

From the 1937 catalogue covers for a leading London publisher, Chatto & Windus, to her recent book about Ibiza’s birds, what emerges is her ability to balance representation and suggestion, evoking scenes while giving free rein to the imagination of the reader and viewer. Three 1940s children’s tales illustrated in monochrome have indisputable charm, but her greatest graphic achievement must certainly be the colour illustrations for Blackie & Son which were published between 1965 and 1977.

Russian fairy tales, English nursery rhymes, and Ancient Greek legends are each depicted with enormous feeling and creativity; the last gave full scope for the beloved Mediterranean the artist knew so intimately, and if Ibizan elements can be detected in certain scenes, it is never to the detriment of the story, but infuses an authenticity often lacking in north European illustration. Taken as a whole, Sarah Nechamkin’s published work links together many of the greatest names in the Western canon, from Ovid and Homer to Brontë and Byron, from Hudson and Austen to Wagner and Beethoven. A lifetime achievement worthy of celebration by itself.

Martin Davies, Eivissa, November 2013

Cada 18 de maig se celebra el Dia Internacional dels Museus, amb aquesta excusa és sempre positiu fer una crida d'atenció a la ciutadania, en aquest cas oferint-li la possibilitat de visitar una exposició. Una exposició realitzada a partir de les nostres pròpies col·leccions i de les seves possibilitats d'exposició.

The MACE is pleased to announce the 3rd poetry readings cycle which will be held during  three consecutive Thursdays in October, at 7.30 p.m., in the auditorium of the museum.
The poets who will take part are: Joan Manuel Bonet (October 2nd), Francisco Ferrer Lerín (October 9th) and Blanca Andreu (October 16th). Coordinated and presented by Enrique Juncosa.

Isabel EcharriIn the process of analysis and research collections of MACE, it is essential to be abundant at times related to current period or style lines and have been for the quality and quantity of lines of force thus creating referred to the artistic field that concerns us as their impact on our collections.

So much so that the inaugural exhibition that is now offered even of the art of our funds is governed by an order that establishes three spheres of aesthetic thought and artistic creation that are ordered from highest to lowest: first Informalism with variants or gestural lines and matter, well expressed and markedly increased exposure to acquisitions of recent years past.

En segon lloc tindríem les àmplies derivacions del gran moviment Surrealista amb especial èmfasi en el moviment Dadà, els epígons i influències es fan sentir en la nostra col·lecció d'acord amb obres representatives cronològicament, i d'autors molt significatius. És en aquest capítol on potser escassegen certes obres d'autors de la col · lecció que amb la seva presència podrien anivellar la contundència amb què s'expressa l'apartat anterior. I en aquest sentit es proposa per a enguany a l'adquisició de l'obra d'Isabel Echarri les dades i imatge s'adjunten a continuació i que suposa potser una de les més representatives i madures expressions de l'autora.
FITXA Tècnica Obra Isabel Echarri
Sense títol. 2011
33,4 x 41 x 20 cm.
Acoblament (Caixa)
Preu: 6.000 € (impostos inclosos)

Un altre corrent d'expressió notable en la nostra col · leccions és la referida a l'Abstracció Geomètrica, terme genèric sota el qual resguardem tant els corrents òptic-cinètiques com les minimalistes i constructivistes. Dins d'aquest capítol es troba a faltar una major presència de determinades obres i per pal · liar aquest efecte en les col · leccions es proposa l'adquisició de la peça de Gilbert Herreyns que a continuació es detalla.
Gilbert HerreynsFITXA Tècnica Obra Gilbert Herreyns
Sense título.1972
80 x 80 cm.
Serigrafia sobre polietilè imantable
Preu: 6.000 € (impostos inclosos)

Ajuntament d'EivissaAjuntament de la Ciutat d'Eivissa
Tel. 971 397 600